Tuesday, September 7, 2010

is it really a litter box? yes, yes it is

hey hey random people!!!
so yeah, ya know the litter box we put in marmaduke's cage? well he likes it, but I'm not sure the little guy actually gets the concept. when we first put it in there he sniffed at it, tried to bite it, then ignored it. I came back an hour later and guess where he was? yup, on the litter box. and guess what he was doing? not pooping, that's for sure. HE WAS SLEEPING IN IT!!! poor guy thought it was a bed. oh dear. well, in this bunny book I have, it says when litter box training your bunny, you should put the litter box in the corner where it usually does its business and block off all the other corners with things like their food dishes, toys, etc. and so I did exactly that. I blocked off all the other corners and put the litter box where marmaduke usually poops. and guess what (again)? since he didn't like he litter box (to poop in at least), and all the corners were blocked in his cage... guess (again) where he pooped. RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS CAGE! I don't think he'll ever get the message. well, I tried and maybe someday he'll acually poop where he's suppose to. but for now we can only hope.

ttyl peoplez!


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