Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stupid Spirit Kids and Town Fair

On the bus to school last Friday, there were a couple "spirited" kids. it was spirit day in school on Friday and the whole school was divided into three teams: the red team, the white team and the black team. I was on the red team and so is this little, annoying, bratty, OBNOXIOUS, sixth grader. it's like the girl sprung off the diving bored and landed in a huge bucket of red paint. but she didn't come on the bus like that. when she got on the bus she was dressed in a red football jersey and red shorts. not that bad. but one of her friends on our bus had face paint crayons with her. so the girl took the red one and put red streaks under her eyes and wrote "RED" in messy letters down both of her arms. and when the tip broke off her precious crayon, she threw a fit. LITTERALLY! gosh get over it kid! it's a dang crayon! well I thought she was all done applying red to any visible part of her, but I was wrong. another one of her friens said that they brought some red hairspray that they can put on once they get off the bus. being the stupid sixth graders they were, they didn't know that hairspray wasn't allowed in school or on it's grounds. haha! I would have liked to see how that went! but gosh, they were annoying! especially the little red girl. but the thing is, she is ALWAYS like that on the bus!! grrrr...

well yesterday was that town fair thingy where I did face painting to little kids. it was acually kinda fun cuz they were really cute. it's a good thing I wasn't asked to do really complicated things. except this one girl wanted a princess. I personally thought it looked okay minus the face. I only had one very very dull black face paint crayon and I needed to make a face on my princess and no other colors would look good on it. so I just tried it with the black and well let's just say, the princess's mouth was thicker than both her feet. watever. she was little so she loved it anyways. another kid who was really little asked my for a rainbow on one check and a butterfly on the other. once I was done with the rainbow, I asked her what color she wanted her butterfly to be. she said rainbow. so I asked her if she wanted a rainbow AND a rainbow butterfly and she said yes. wow. this kid must really like rainbows. but watever so I did her rainbow butterfly and she loved it. little did I know she started a new trend and about three other kids wanted the same thing. little kids can be very interesting. well that's all I have in my magical hat of stories for now.

happy weekend!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

homework, essay, school, town fair, vocab.

uhggg!!! soooo much homework this week! but I have time now to be on my computer so here I am! I just finished by book report on The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. it's a terrible annoying boring a pretty good book. I mean it could have been a little more exciting but it was ok. I'm excited to see the movie in school next week (watching movie in school = shortened classes!!!). so on Saturday I have a big day. I am working at my town's little fair thingy with my friend-- we are doing face painting. I'm not sure how it will go over... what happens if I mess up on a kids face?!? wat ever. after that, I go to ballet class and then to the Nutcracker reversal. yah, I'm gonna be pretty pooped by the end of Saturday. I also had an English vocab test today which was very easy. but I still don't get why I needed to learn the word "lithograph". I mean, when am I going to need a word for a picture on a rock in my life? I know... who talks about pictures on rocks anyway?! well bunny needs some more water so I'm going to go refil it now.

that was my brief synopsis for today.
(hehe... "synopsis was one of my vocal words!)


Monday, September 13, 2010

when in doubt, dance. when in doubt of your dancing skills, just accept that your dancing is an epic fail.

long title huh? well it goes along with my post for today. so today was the first jazz class I've ever took. I thought since I have been doing ballet and modern for so long, why not try jazz? so I did. and as this blog title says, it was an epic fail. but it's okay. the teachers really nice and the group of newbies just laughed with eachother. I know I'll get better, but it wasn't that bad for my fist class. so I give myself some credit for trying my hardest.

so I got more results today, and I'm in one modern contemporary piece. yay! I rehearse modern on Fridays and ballet (the nutcracker) on Saturdays. rehearsals are pretty close to eachother which is also nice. I also found out that my snow attendant part is acually a sugar plum fairy attendant instead. I'm really excited since that dance is done with me and one of my friends as a duet! I'm gonna have to work HAAARRRDDD to do well in that dance, but I'm up for the challenge.

remember: if you can't dance at all, dance your way through that epic fail.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

dance auditions

I dunno if I told you.... but I dance. a lot. six days a week. yeah, you can call me insane... but hey, it's the truth. so anyway, I tried out yesterday for my dance school's production of the Nutcracker along with some other contemporary pieces. I found out that in the Nutcracker, I'm gonna be a mouse and a snow attendant. usually the really little kids do the mice, and they are, so apparently I'm a "big mouse" who's in a dance with the mouse queen (the mouse queen is a lead role, so I feel special dancing with it). so it's not the worst part in the world but I guess I'm okay with it. the best part about being a "big mouse" is I get to have a dagger in my mouth the whole dance!!! hehe... did I mention the mice are the "bad guys" in the Nutcracker? well I'm looking forward to rehearsals to see what the whole dance I'm doing looks like. the results for the contemporary pieces haven't been posted yet, so I don't know which of those I'll be in, but I'll tell you once I figure it out.

well, I gotta go clean marmaduke's cage now, so bye for now!


P.S. do ya like my blog's new look? Now you can see a picture of my bunny!!! he's adorable right?!?!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

can ya handle the dish? I guess not.

so my beautifully handsome bunny, marmaduke, is still not getting the whole litter box thing. when I looked at his hay dish, there was a bunch of poop and pee in it. I almost puked. just kidding, but I did gag about 3 times while cleaning it out. so, we came to the conclusion that he thinks his hay dish is a litter box. no little buddy, you accually eat the hay. well watever. so to cure that problem, we bought him a hay rack. it's just a little box like thing filled with hay that hangs from the bars of the cage instead of a food dish, which he pees in. he seems to like it just as much as hay in a dish, but this tine, he can't pee or poop in it. the only annoying thing about the hay rack is, since we bought really cut up hay, it falls through the bottom of the rack. so we just put a piece of hard paper stuff from this pamphlet we got in the mail, at the bottom of the rack so it didn't come out. it worked fine which was good. then at dinner, my older brother was looking at something that says "with your verizon FiOS plan, you can watch TV on your computer for free! just go to this website to register" my brother was very excited about this, but when he looked down at the website, half of it was cut off. yup, that's the hard paper stuff we cut off the pamphlet and put in the bunny cage. haha! he threw a fit. not really, but he was annoyed. haha, I still think it's funny.

well that's all for today chicos!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Smile! (NOT)

yup, today it was picture day at school. whoo hoo. I and a bunch of other people completely dispise picture day. well I guess it's not picture day we hate, it's just the annoying ladies who run it. this year, my picture day went quite well compared to previous years.

this is how last years picture day went (remember all of the things I say in this script are my thoughts):

lady: okay next person!
me: oh great
lady: now sit on this stool and put your feet here
me: alright whatever
lady: now sit up straight
me: I am sitting up straight!
lady: a little more
me: I FRICK'N SITTING UP STRAIGHT!!! so I just arched my back a little to be as "straight" as they wanted me to be
lady: that's perfect!
me: are you serious?
lady: oh, wait...
me: oh god what now?!?!
lady: let me just fix your hair a little bit
me: get your hands off me!!!!! CHILD ABUSE!!!!
lady: okay, that's better.
me: are you satisfied?! my back is cramping up!
lady: okay now tilt your head to the side a little
me: so I tilted my head a little
lady: a little more...
me: okaaayyyy.... so I tilted it slightly more
lady: just a tad bit more
me: I swear, my head is at a 90° angle!!!
lady: okay now smile!
me: **small grin**
lady: bigger! let me see those beautiful teeth!
me: just take the damn picture!!!!
lady: **snap, snap, snap** alrighty! your all done!
me: thank god.

so as you can clearly see, those stupid picture ladies are the most obnoxious and annoying things on this planet! but that whole story was last year... this year my picture taking session went by very quickly (that's very lucky) and boy am I glad! hopefully my picture will come out okay, but I still don't know.

that's my story. and don't forget to smile! (NOT!)


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

is it really a litter box? yes, yes it is

hey hey random people!!!
so yeah, ya know the litter box we put in marmaduke's cage? well he likes it, but I'm not sure the little guy actually gets the concept. when we first put it in there he sniffed at it, tried to bite it, then ignored it. I came back an hour later and guess where he was? yup, on the litter box. and guess what he was doing? not pooping, that's for sure. HE WAS SLEEPING IN IT!!! poor guy thought it was a bed. oh dear. well, in this bunny book I have, it says when litter box training your bunny, you should put the litter box in the corner where it usually does its business and block off all the other corners with things like their food dishes, toys, etc. and so I did exactly that. I blocked off all the other corners and put the litter box where marmaduke usually poops. and guess what (again)? since he didn't like he litter box (to poop in at least), and all the corners were blocked in his cage... guess (again) where he pooped. RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS CAGE! I don't think he'll ever get the message. well, I tried and maybe someday he'll acually poop where he's suppose to. but for now we can only hope.

ttyl peoplez!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Six-Week-Birthday Marmaduke!

its hard to believe six weeks ago i started bottle feeding my sweet little bunny. since the mom rejected all her babies, we had to bottle feed them. on the subject of mothers, i love my mom a lot but she just doesnt like rodents. so my mom isn't really a big rodent fan... we have had a bunch of gerbils over the years (we still have 1 gerbil) and mom never even pet one. she refused. she didn't like them because she thinks they look like mice. personally, I think mice are adorable. but apparently mom thinks they are gross. watever. so when she let me bring home marmaduke, I thought that she would keep her distance from him as well as the gerbil we have. but to my surprise, around the 2nd day we had him, I held him up to my mom and she pet it! and ever since then, little by little, she started liking him more. she started calling him cute, and this weekend when I slept in, my mom acually fed him! that's a big thing for her! she acually put her hands in the cage, took out the food dishes, filled them with his food and put the dishes back in the cage! when I woke up and she told me that she fed marmaduke already, i asked, "why?" and she said, "because he looked hungry and I felt bad for him". awwwww!!! I'm sooo happy my mom loves him. I don't know about the gerbil though, I don't think she likes him very much still. but I'm still happy about mom getting over her rodent dislike with marmaduke!

another thing that happened today was we put a litter box in marmaduke's cage. I'm not sure if he'll use it... right now he treats it as a bed and lays on it. well maybe he'll realize that we put it in the spot where he poops for a reason... or not. I don't know. but I'm still crossing my fingers!

that's all the news for today.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bunny's new Home

tomorrow is my bunny's six week birthday! yay! my little marmaduke is gonna be six weeks old! so ever since I brought him home, he has been living in a small gerbil cage that's only like 1ft X 1ft while we looked for a big cage. marmaduke hates his little cage. whenever you look at him when he's in it, he's always putting his paws up against the door of the cage. I felt really bad for him. he had no room to jump around in it! I took him out of his cage and played with him a lot so he could jump around and get exercise. but finally yesterday the big cage we ordered for him came in the mail!!! its huge. the thing is 4ft X 2ft!!! that's humungous compared to the 1ft X 1ft cage! and boy does he love it! he spent all yesterday night running all around in it. I'm so happy that he likes his cage now since his previous cage was like a jail cell. well I guess that's my bunny story for today.

talk to y'all later!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!!!

heyyyy random people who are reading this!!! yeah so my friend does all this blogging stuff on this website and I always tell her how weird she is for blogging. yeah so watever it really is acually kinda entertaining.... well I guess you could call me a copier... but I'm okay with that. it's kinda fun to just rant on to random people you don't even know... so my blog thingy is about nothing more or less then a bunch of random crap. just like the title of this blog. its also gonna have lots of posts about my pet bunny, marmaduke. well that's all I have to say.

