Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bunny's new Home

tomorrow is my bunny's six week birthday! yay! my little marmaduke is gonna be six weeks old! so ever since I brought him home, he has been living in a small gerbil cage that's only like 1ft X 1ft while we looked for a big cage. marmaduke hates his little cage. whenever you look at him when he's in it, he's always putting his paws up against the door of the cage. I felt really bad for him. he had no room to jump around in it! I took him out of his cage and played with him a lot so he could jump around and get exercise. but finally yesterday the big cage we ordered for him came in the mail!!! its huge. the thing is 4ft X 2ft!!! that's humungous compared to the 1ft X 1ft cage! and boy does he love it! he spent all yesterday night running all around in it. I'm so happy that he likes his cage now since his previous cage was like a jail cell. well I guess that's my bunny story for today.

talk to y'all later!


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